Published May 16, 2023 by

Recognize the Hidden Symptoms of Kidney Stones | The Ultimate Guide

Kidney stones form when levels of salt and certain minerals in the urine are high for a long time. These salts begin to accumulate in the form of small stones, which may come out on their own when urinating, or they may remain in the kidneys or remain in the ureters to obstruct the flow of urine and cause pain and damage.

Symptoms of kidney stones

Here are more symptoms:

1. Pain in the back or one side

One of the most prominent symptoms of kidney stones is back and side pain, as the presence of kidney stones cannot be detected until the pain begins to appear.

Sometimes kidney stone pain begins as a mild, bearable pain, but quickly escalates into a severe, painful cramp. The pain can be intense for a minute, then subside completely, and so on.

The patient usually feels pain in the back area, in one of the flanks, or under the rib cage, and it may spread to the lower abdomen or thigh.

It is worth noting that kidney stones in men can cause pain in the testicles or penis.

2. Feeling uncomfortable

When the stones are mobile and not fixed in one place, this makes the patient uncomfortable in any position while moving or sitting, forcing him to change his position to find the most comfortable position.

Sudden movements often lead to severe pain and kidney colic that may last from 20 to 60 minutes, according to what specialists say.

3. Nausea or vomiting

When stones block the flow of urine, they cause one of the symptoms of kidney stones, which is nausea or vomiting. It also increases the chance of kidney infection and swelling.

4. Frequent urination

In some cases, the presence of stones may lead to frequent urination or the need to go to the bathroom quickly with small amounts of urine.

It is believed that the reason behind this is the presence of an obstacle preventing the passage of urine, namely stones.

5. Fever

Fever is not a common symptom of kidney stones, but if you develop kidney stones along with a fever, you should consult a doctor immediately.

It is believed that the reason behind this is obstruction of urine flow due to stones. In this case, a laser or sound waves can be used to break up the stones, remove them through urine, and remove this blockage.

6. Pain and burning during urination

If you feel burning or pain while urinating, it may be due to kidney stones, especially if these stones are located in the ureter.

Burning urine is not always caused by stones, but infections and urinary tract infections are often the cause.

It was found in one study that 8% of kidney stone patients suffer from urinary tract infection, which is usually accompanied by a foul odor of urine.

7. The presence of blood in the urine

Another symptom of kidney stones is blood in the urine. Kidney stones can irritate sensitive tissue in the urinary tract, including the inside of the ureter, and cause bleeding or blood in the urine.

Sometimes the urine appears clearly red, and the urine may turn a dark color similar to the color of tea if the bleeding is severe.

Diagnosis of kidney stones

After identifying the symptoms of kidney stones, here are the diagnostic methods used as follows:

Laboratory tests that show the presence of high concentrations of salts in the urine, or the presence of blood or bacteria as well.

Blood tests that show what type of kidney stone you have, and what levels of salts are present.

Abdominal X-ray, which gives a detailed picture of the abdomen to detect stones.

CT scan, which gives an illustrative picture of the urinary system and the size and location of kidney stones