Published May 17, 2023 by

10 Top Healthy Foods High in Iron | How Much Iron Do You Need Per Day?

Anemia is one of the most common problems caused by iron deficiency. Iron deficiency also affects immunity and makes you more susceptible to diseases. Here we will mention foods rich in iron and the recommended daily amounts to avoid the development of these health conditions, but the question remains: Where is iron found in food? It is one of the most prominent questions that we will answer in the following article.

Iron-rich foods

Answer to the question: Where is iron found in food? Examples of foods rich in iron and their animal and plant sources include:

Liver and other meats

Liver is considered one of the best and richest foods rich in heme iron, as a slice of beef liver contains approximately 4.8 milligrams of iron per slice, in addition to being a rich source of many minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

However, since liver is a high source of vitamin A, pregnant women may be advised to pay attention to the amounts they consume, as high levels of vitamin A may be linked to birth defects and problems in fetuses.

Organic meat is very nutritious. Common types include liver, kidney, brain and heart, all of which contain iron. Organic meat is also high in protein and rich in B vitamins, copper and selenium.

Furthermore, organ meats are one of the best sources of choline, an important nutrient for brain and liver health, and many people don't get enough of it.

Red meat

If you're not a fan of liver, red meat is an alternative source, as 75 grams of red meat contains 2.4 milligrams of iron.


Egg yolks are a very popular animal source and one of the best examples of iron-rich foods. Eating two eggs helps you get 1.4 milligrams of iron, and therefore it may be an ideal choice for people who follow a non-strict vegetarian diet, and can eat some animal sources such as; egg.


Seafood is generally one of the most important examples of iron-rich and highly absorbable foods, but oysters are the richest source, followed by other shellfish, including squid, mussels and fin fish such as salmon and tuna, which are known to be a rich source of both zinc and vitamin B12. also.

Medium-sized oysters contain approximately 6.3 milligrams of iron. Therefore, it is one of the foods that contain iron.


Fish are very nutritious, and some types of foods are rich in iron, such as: Tuna fish in particular is rich in iron. In fact, an 85-gram serving of canned tuna contains about 1.4 milligrams of iron, which represents about 8% of your daily need for iron. Therefore, it is a food rich in iron.

Fish is also full of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of heart-healthy fat, linked to a number of health benefits. In particular, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to promote brain health, enhance immune function, and support healthy growth and development.

Fish also contains many other essential nutrients, including niacin, selenium and vitamin B12. Besides tuna, mackerel and sardines, there are some other examples of iron-rich fish that you can also include in your diet.


Most of the legume group are foods rich in non-heme iron, and they are vegetarian, and incorporating them into our daily dishes helps add high nutritional value, and they are the ideal choice for vegetarians to ensure obtaining the correct and appropriate iron values.

Here are the most popular types of legumes and the iron they provide you:

Beans and fava beans: Three-quarters of a cup provides you with approximately 4 milligrams of iron.

Soybeans: Three-quarters of a cup contains approximately 6.5 milligrams of iron, in addition to being a high source of proteins, fiber, and many important vitamins and minerals such as; Copper and manganese.

Chickpeas: Three-quarters of a cup of chickpeas provides you with approximately 2.2 milligrams of iron, in addition to high doses of proteins. It is a smart choice and ideal for vegetarians, and is easy to add to many dishes.


It is a legume, but we mentioned it separately. Because it is considered an ideal substitute for meat and is considered one of the most prominent iron-rich foods, because it contains high amounts of iron, as three-quarters of a cup of cooked lentils provides you with about 4.9 milligrams of iron; Therefore, it is a food rich in iron, and it is also a high source of dietary fiber, which helps lower blood cholesterol levels and control sugar levels.


Leafy vegetables in general, and spinach in particular, are foods rich in iron. Half a cup of cooked spinach provides you with approximately 3.4 milligrams of iron, in addition to protein, fiber, calcium, and vitamin A.

It is usually recommended to add sources of vitamin C when eating leafy vegetables to increase the rate of iron absorption in the body.


Broccoli is an incredibly nutritious source of iron. One cup (156 grams) of cooked broccoli contains 1 milligram of iron, which represents 6% of the daily value for iron. Moreover, also go ahead and eat a serving of broccoli

Non-heme iron, which is derived from crops.

Because iron is usually not absorbed from its sources in the body better than from plant sources, it is therefore important to eat the best quantities of both types.

What amounts of iron does it have?

After identifying the important foods with iron, it is important to know that it is beneficial for women between the ages of 19 and 50 to receive 14.8 milligrams of iron per day, while men at this age need 8.7 milligrams, and pregnant women should reach 27 milligrams. of iron daily. .