Published May 14, 2023 by

Recognize the Warning Signs of a Heart Attack | Don't Ignore these Signs

A heart attack mostly occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow in a coronary artery, which is the blood vessel that delivers blood to part of the heart muscle, which can lead to damage to part of the heart muscle or even its complete destruction.

In the past, heart attacks often ended in death, but today the majority of people who have heart attacks survive, thanks to increased awareness of the signs and symptoms of heart attacks and thanks to improved and developed treatments.

Our general lifestyle, the food we eat, the frequency of physical activity we engage in and the way we deal with stress and tension all play an important role in recovering from a heart attack.

A healthy lifestyle may also help prevent a first heart attack or subsequent heart attacks, by reducing risk factors that contribute to narrowing of the coronary arteries responsible for supplying the heart with blood.

Heart attack symptoms

Common heart attack symptoms include:

Pressure, or a feeling of congestion in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes.

Pain that spreads to the shoulder, arm, back, or even to the teeth and jaw.

Chest pains for increasing periods.

Persistent pain in the upper abdomen.

Shortness of breath.


Feeling of impending doom.

Syncope or fainting.

Nausea and vomiting.

Heart attacks in women can be different, or the symptoms of a heart attack may be milder than the symptoms of a heart attack in men. In addition to the symptoms of a heart attack mentioned above, the symptoms of a heart attack in women also include:

Pain or burning in the upper abdomen.

Moist skin.


Unusual or unexplained fatigue.

The symptoms of a heart attack do not appear the same in all people who have a heart attack, and if the symptoms of a heart attack appear the same, they are not of the same severity in all people who have a heart attack.

Very many heart attacks are not as dramatic as those shown on television, and some people even have a heart attack without having symptoms of a heart attack at all.

A heart attack can occur at any time and in any place, at work, during play, during rest, or during movement. There are heart attacks that occur suddenly, but many of those who have a heart attack appear to have warning signs hours, days, or weeks before the attack occurs. .

The first sign of an impending heart attack may be recurrent chest pain that increases in intensity and intensity with physical exertion but eases with rest. Angina occurs as a result of temporary and insufficient blood flow to the heart, a condition also known as myocardial ischemia.

Causes and risk factors of heart attack

The medical term for a heart attack is myocardial infarction, which means tissue death as a result of a lack of oxygen. Like any other muscle in the body, the heart muscle needs a constant and continuous supply of blood.

Without blood, heart cells are damaged in a way that leads to pain or pressure. If blood delivery is not renewed, heart cells may die. In this case, scar tissue may form instead of active heart tissue. Irregular or insufficient blood flow to the heart may It can cause a heart rhythm disturbance that could be fatal.

The causes of a heart attack are blockages in one or more of the arteries that supply the heart with oxygen-rich blood. These arteries are called coronary arteries and they surround the heart like a crown. Blockages in the arteries occur as a result of a blood clot. If the clot is relatively large, it may block the blood flow in the artery. The condition in which The coronary arteries are narrowed as a result of hardening of the arteries, called arteriosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is one of the most important causes of a heart attack.

An uncommon cause of a heart attack is a spasm or spasm in the coronary artery, which stops blood flow to part of the heart muscle. Toxins such as cocaine can also cause such a fatal spasm.

Risk factors

Risk factors that increase coronary artery clots include:

Tobacco smoking.

High blood pressure. Over time, high blood pressure may cause damage to the arteries that supply blood to the heart, because it accelerates the processes of atherosclerosis.

High blood cholesterol or blood triglycerides.

Lack of physical activity.

Excess obesity: Very obese people have a particularly high percentage of body fat.



Family history of heart attacks.

People with high levels of homocysteine and fibrinogen are more likely to develop heart disease.

Complications of a heart attack

Complications of a heart attack are usually related to damage to the heart during a heart attack. Such damage can lead to the following problems:

1. Arrhythmia

If the heart muscle is damaged as a result of a heart attack, electrical short circuits can form that lead to abnormal heart rhythms, some of which may be so severe that they lead to death.

2. Congestive heart failure

The damage to the heart tissue may be so great that the part of the heart muscle that remains intact is unable to pump blood from the heart normally and properly.

As a result, the amount of blood that reaches the various tissues and organs in the body is less than normal, which may cause shortness of breath, fatigue, and swelling of the ankles and feet.

Heart failure may be a temporary problem that resolves on its own after the heart recovers within a few days or weeks from the shock of an attack, but heart failure may also be a chronic disease caused by significant and permanent damage to the heart during a heart attack.

3. Rupture of the heart muscle

The heart muscle may rupture in some of its parts that were weakened by the heart attack, creating a hole in the heart and often leading to rapid death.

If there is damage next to the heart valves or through myocardial infarction, the damage may progress to many more life-threatening risks.

Diagnosing a heart attack

Ideally, the doctor should clean up while emptying the personal pen with certainty about the risks that may lead to his monthly fame.

If a person suffers a heart attack, or if he suspects that he is having a heart attack, he should go to the emergency room, and diagnosis can be made through the following:

Ask your doctor to describe the symptoms you've noticed.

His blood pressure is measured in addition to his pulse and temperature.

It is attached to the heart which is immediately clamped to be performed by it and determine whether it actually has heart disease.

The medical staff listens to the heartbeat and the movement of air in the lungs using stethoscopes.

The medical champions ask questions about the patient's medical history and about the history of heart disease in families.

Other medical heroes help determine whether signs and symptoms such as: chest pain or others indicate the cause of a heart attack or problems, and these include the following:

EKG chart.

Blood tests.

Other tests.

If a person has had a heart attack in the past, or has already had one, several immediate factors address the situation, and the following tests are necessary:

X-ray imaging: allows the doctor to examine the size and shape of the medical heart.

Scan: This scan helps detect blood flow to the heart and determine its location.

Echocardiogram: This sound wave file is used to produce an EKG.

Catheterization: This test highlights whether it is registered with strong or obstructed catheterization.

Determining potentials in the first days or part after a heart attack, this research group may be required to examine how affected patients respond to physical exertions.

Treating a heart attack

Treatment options include the following:


When you have a heart attack you should follow these steps immediately and avoid any delay:

Immediately call for urgent medical assistance, and even when you merely suspect a heart attack, you must act without hesitation or delay.

Nitroglycerin medication if he has prescribed nitroglycerin medication, and glyceryl trinitrate is a common vasodilator drug that you must remove according to his instructions.

The immersion of a heart attack in its first phase may lead to a state of ventricular fibrillation, that is, the heart flutters to futility and therefore futility, and ventricular fibrillation that is not treated immediately leads to sudden death.

The use of an external defibrillator, which restores the heart to normal rhythm with electroconvulsive therapy, may be appropriate and successful in an emergency even before people with heart attacks arrive at the hospital.

Drug treatment

Every minute that passes after a seizure occurs, more and more tissues do not receive the required oxygen normally and regularly, which leads to their damage or minor damage and death.

The main method of tissue stimulation in tissues is to quickly repair the body's blood tissue, so that blood flows and reaches various cells, tissues and organs in the body.

Medications used to treat a heart attack include:


Blood thinners


Another treatment for blood clots



Beta receptor blockers

Medicines to lower sterol levels

Operations and other measures and procedures

In addition to drug treatment, one of the following two procedures may be needed to treat a heart attack:

Coronary angioplasty: It is a surgical procedure that aims to eliminate narrowed or blocked areas in the occupied territories, either by balloon or by a stent.

Other treatments: coronary artery bypass graft

Heart attack prevention

It is never too late to take procedures and measures to prevent a heart attack and prevent it from occurring. This can also be done even after the occurrence of a heart attack. Partial artificial treatment has become essential and very important in reducing the monthly period of a heart attack, and in helping the heart, which then returns to better performance.

As we have considered, lifestyle is also an important part in identifying heart attacks, their causes or failure, and recovery from them. The most prominent methods of detection are the following:

1. Medicines

Medical treatments are generally easier to identify for people who cannot have heart attacks or for people at high risk of heart attacks.

Medications that help improve heart performance or cause monthly damage from a heart attack include:

Blood thinners that prevent blood clotting.

Beta blockers: These medications reduce heart rate and blood pressure, reduce the burden on the heart, and help prevent additional heart conditions.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors

vehicle to lower its levels.

2. Lifestyle modification

The impact of lifestyle on the heart is important. Therefore, following the following steps of astrology helps not only in detecting heart attacks, but also in recovering from a heart attack. The following occurred:

stop smoking.

Get tested for normal blood levels.

Conduct periodic medical examinations on a regular basis.

Follow up and maintain a healthy level of blood pressure.

Doing indoor activity.

Ensure a healthy weight.

To deal with stresses and tensions

Psychological and overcome it.

Not drinking alcohol.