Published May 13, 2023 by

How To Lower Liver Enzymes Quickly? 10 Best Liver Healthy Foods

Can high liver enzymes be treated? How is that possible? Can it be prevented? Answers to these questions and general advice for liver patients in the following article.

Treatment of high liver enzymes

Treatment for high liver enzymes depends on the cause. Once the cause is determined, the doctor recommends the appropriate treatment for the underlying condition. Treatments for the most prominent causes of high liver enzymes include the following:

1. Treatment of fatty liver disease

Treatment for fatty liver disease depends on achieving a healthy weight by making some lifestyle changes, including:

Doing aerobic exercise and strength training.

Follow a healthy, balanced diet that contains a variety of nutrients, such as: the Mediterranean diet.

If fatty liver disease is caused by excessive alcohol consumption, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol completely to avoid liver damage and cirrhosis.

2. Treatment of metabolic syndrome

Treatment options for elevated liver enzymes if it is due to metabolic syndrome include:

Lose weight.

Increase physical activity through exercise.

Follow a diet rich in grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, poultry, meat, and fat-free dairy products, and avoid sugar, added salt, and trans and saturated fats.

Control blood sugar levels.

Control stress through physical activities, meditation, etc.

3. Treatment of hepatitis

For short-term treatment of hepatitis, the doctor may recommend getting enough rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and avoiding alcohol. As for long-term treatment of hepatitis, it often includes taking antiviral medications.

4. Treatment of alcohol or drug use disorder

Treatments for alcohol or drug use disorder include:

Receiving behavioral treatments.

Taking some types of medications.

Participate in support groups.

5. Treatment of cirrhosis

Liver cirrhosis itself cannot be treated, as it occurs permanently, but there are some ways to control the symptoms or any complications and stop the problem from getting worse.

All of the conditions we mentioned previously may lead to liver cirrhosis, so high liver enzymes can be treated by treating the underlying problem responsible for liver cirrhosis, in addition to following a special diet for patients with cirrhosis, reducing alcohol consumption, and losing weight, especially for those who suffer from overweight or obesity. 

Preventing high liver enzymes

After talking about treating high liver enzymes, is it possible to prevent their high levels? The truth is that it is not possible to prevent some conditions that raise liver enzymes, but the following tips can be followed to maintain overall liver health:

Avoid consuming alcohol completely.

Avoid sharing needles or any equipment contaminated with blood.

Follow a healthy diet.

Get the hepatitis A and B vaccine.

Controlling blood sugar levels for diabetic patients.

Talk to your health care provider about any medications, herbs, or nutritional supplements the patient is taking.

Weight control.

Increase physical activity and exercise regularly.

Nutritional advice for liver patients

Below we review some nutritional advice in addition to treating high liver enzymes for liver patients in general:

Avoid foods that contain high amounts of fat, sugar, and salt, and stay away from fried foods, especially fast food from restaurants.

Follow a balanced diet that contains all food groups, including grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, beans, milk, and healthy fats.

Eat foods that contain fiber, such as: fruits, vegetables, bread, breakfast cereals, and whole-grain rice.

Drink enough water to prevent dehydration and to help the liver function better, unless your doctor recommends otherwise.

Finally, it should be noted that elevated liver enzymes are often temporary and return to normal levels quickly if the patient adheres to the treatment plan recommended by the doctor to treat the underlying problem.