Published September 26, 2023 by

What You Need To Know About Cataract Surgery?


Cataract surgery

Cataract surgery aims to treat cataracts, which occur over time due to the accumulation of dirt behind the iris, causing blurred vision and decreased ability to see.

Cataract surgery is the only way to cure cataracts. It is performed using a device that contains ultrasound waves, which are inserted through a small incision in the eye outside the cornea, and work is done to replace the cloudy lens with a new one. In some cases, it is performed by making an incision in the eye. He took out the dark lens.

Risks of surgery

Cataract surgery is associated with a number of risks, such as the following:

Dry eyes.

High eye pressure.

Corneal edema.

Retinal detachment.

before the operation

Preparations for cataract surgery include a pre-consultation session, where the doctor makes sure that the patient does not suffer from certain diseases that prevent him from undergoing the procedure. The doctor also performs a comprehensive eye examination, including examining the visual field, intraocular pressure, visual acuity, and fundus examination, in which the size of the lens is measured.

The doctor must be consulted regarding the medications that the patient must stop taking before the operation, and the patient must fast completely for 8 hours before the operation.

During the procedure

The process is done as follows:

The eye is injected with a substance that dilates the pupil.

Local anesthesia is done with an anesthetic drop.

The surgeon then makes a small incision in the cornea of the eye using a suitable fine device under microscopic magnification.

The device is inserted through the incision inside the lens, where the material that makes up the lens melts as a result of ultrasonic oscillations and is absorbed into the device.

A new, clear artificial lens is inserted into the empty lens capsule.

There is no need to close the surgical incision due to its small size and its ability to heal on its own over time. The process takes about 30 minutes. When closing open cataract surgery, a larger incision is made and then closed with sutures.

After the operation

After the cataract removal procedure, the patient can return to his home, and he may suffer from blurred vision, so he should avoid driving.

The doctor prescribes some antibiotics to prevent infection or inflammation in the eye for 3 weeks after the operation. Pain relievers may also be used as needed. You must seek immediate health care if you feel severe pain, high temperature, discharge, or bleeding in the eye.

The patient feels an immediate improvement in vision as soon as the operation is completed, and vision becomes clearer during the first month of the operation. You should also consult a doctor a week after the operation to ensure that the condition is stable.

Causes of cataract extraction

Cataracts are removed because they cause blurred vision. The eye's lens is naturally transparent, and over time protein buildup causes it to become opaque, so the damaged lens is extracted and replaced to treat cataracts.

Cataracts usually develop as a result of aging

It may develop over many years, but appears and becomes more severe within a few months

Both eyes suffer from cataracts, but to varying degrees, so the vision in one eye is clearer than the other.

In a few cases, children may develop cataracts, and in other cases, the presence of cataracts may not affect the extent of blurred vision, and both cases are relatively rare compared to the nature of most cases.

Cataracts cannot be treated with medications, but their progression can be delayed by taking vitamins A, C and E.

There are other factors that increase aging and may cause cataracts:

DNA; The cause of this disease may be a hereditary factor in the same family.

Gender: Women are more likely to develop cataracts than men.

Drinking alcohol increases the likelihood of contracting the disease.

Diabetics are more susceptible to infection than others.

Use of steroid medications (cortisone).

Malnutrition, dehydration and frequent diarrhea.

Constant exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Tips for living with cataract extraction

Adhere to antibiotics and anti-inflammatory eye drops for several weeks

Use dark sunglasses to protect the eyes from external influences and sunlight

The eye appears red for several days after the operation and then gradually fades

Complete recovery occurs within a period of time ranging from 4 to 8 weeks, during which vision improves until it stabilizes and returns to normal.

It is recommended to consult a doctor if any symptoms appear after the procedure

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Published September 25, 2023 by

Overactive Thyroid | What You Need To Know About Hyperthyroidism?

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism

The most prominent symptoms include the following:

1. Common symptoms

Hyperthyroidism can affect other health problems, which may make it difficult for your doctor to diagnose as it can also cause a variety of signs and symptoms, including:

Unintentional weight loss, even when your appetite and food intake remain the same or increase.

Rapid heartbeat such as tachycardia, usually more than 100 beats per minute.



Increased appetite.

Nervousness, anxiety and irritability.

Tremor, which is usually a slight tremor in your hands and fingers.


Changes in menstrual patterns.

Increased sensitivity to heat.

Changes in bowel patterns, especially frequent bowel movements.

Goiter, which may appear as a swelling at the base of your neck.

Fatigue and muscle weakness.

Difficulty sleeping.

Thinning of the skin.

Soft and brittle hair.

2. Symptoms that appear in the elderly

Older people are more likely to suffer from the following:

Increased heart rate.

Heat intolerance.

Tendency to feel tired during normal activities.

3. Symptoms related to Graves' ophthalmopathy Sometimes an uncommon problem called Graves' ophthalmopathy may affect your eyes, especially if you smoke. This disorder causes your eyeballs to protrude outside their normal protective orbits when the tissues and muscles behind your eyes swell. Eye problems often improve without treatment.

Signs and symptoms of Graves' ophthalmopathy include:

Dry eyes.

Red or puffy eyes.

Excessive tears or discomfort in one or both eyes.

Sensitivity to light.

Blurry or double vision.


Lack of eye movement.

Protruding eyeballs.

Causes and risk factors of hyperthyroidism

The following is an explanation of the most prominent causes and risk factors for hyperthyroidism:

1. Causes of hyperthyroidism

Includes the following:

Graves' disease

It is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland and causes it to release too many hormones. This is the most common cause.

Thyroid nodules

These are tumors in the thyroid gland that are usually benign and not cancerous, but they may become overactive and produce too much thyroid hormone. Thyroid nodules are more common in older people.


Thyroiditis causes stored thyroid hormone to be released from the thyroid gland.

Too much iodine

Iodine is found in some medications, cough syrups, seaweed and supplements containing seaweed, taking too much of which can cause your thyroid to produce too much thyroid hormone.

Too many thyroid medications

This can happen if people taking thyroid hormone medication to treat hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid take too much of it.

2. Risk factors for hyperthyroidism

The most prominent risk factors include the following:

Family history, especially Graves' disease.

Female sex.

Personal history of some chronic diseases, such as: type 1 diabetes, pernicious anemia, and primary adrenal insufficiency.

Complications of hyperthyroidism

The most common complications include:

1. Heart diseases

Some of the most serious complications of hyperthyroidism include the heart. These include:

Increased heart rate: A heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation that increases the risk of stroke.

Congestive heart failure: A condition in which your heart cannot circulate enough blood to meet your body's needs.

2. Osteoporosis

Untreated hyperthyroidism can also lead to weak and brittle bones. The strength of your bones depends in part on the amount of calcium and other minerals they contain, as too much parathyroid hormone interferes with your body's ability to incorporate calcium into your bones.

3. Eye problems

People with Graves' ophthalmopathy have eye problems, including puffy, red or swollen eyes, sensitivity to light, and blurred or double vision, and severe, untreated eye problems can lead to vision loss.

4. Skin redness and swelling

In rare cases, people with Graves' disease develop Graves' dermopathy, which affects the skin, causing redness and swelling, mostly on the legs and feet.

5. Thyrotoxic crisis

Hyperthyroidism also puts you at risk of a thyrotoxic crisis, which is a sudden worsening of symptoms, leading to fever, rapid pulse, and even delirium. If this occurs, seek immediate medical care.

Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism

The most prominent diagnostic methods include the following:

1. Physical test

During the physical exam, your health care provider will gently feel your neck to check the size of your thyroid gland. This is a simple, quick procedure that can be done in your provider's office. The provider will also examine your eyes, heart and skin.

2. Blood tests

Your health care provider may take a blood sample to look for high levels of thyroid hormone. This is called a thyroid function test. When you have hyperthyroidism, your levels of thyroid hormones are higher than normal and your thyroid-stimulating hormone levels are lower than normal.

3. Imaging tests

Taking a look at your thyroid can help diagnose hyperthyroidism and the possible cause, as your doctor can use some tests to check your thyroid.

One test called a thyroid scan and a radioactive iodine uptake test, a thyroid scan uses small amounts of radioactive material to create images of the thyroid gland.

Another test is a thyroid ultrasound. An ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure that allows your provider to look at your thyroid on a screen. This test is used if your provider is looking for thyroid nodules.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism

Treatment methods include the following:

1. Antithyroid medications

These medications inhibit the ability of the thyroid gland to produce hormones, as it provides rapid control of the thyroid gland.

2. Radioactive iodine

Radioactive iodine is taken orally and enlarges the thyroid gland. Radioactive iodine damages these cells, causing the mammary gland to become enlarged and enlarged over the course of a few weeks.

This causes thyroid activity to accelerate, which leads to treatment of hyperthyroidism, as it results in most patients who receive this treatment, and after normal growth hormone matures.

3. Work

Your health care provider monitors your hypogonadism during any adenomatous surgery, which improves the operation of the prostate glands, but we lead to hypothyroidism any adenomatous gland.

Patients undergoing goiter surgery should take natural cancer supplements and bioidentical hormones.

4. Beta trapping

These medications work by not regulating the work of the thyroid gland in the body, as the amount of various hormones in your blood does not change, and they can help monitor the symptoms of cancer, such as: rapid heartbeat, nervousness, and shaking caused by the overactivity of the tumor.

This natural treatment is neither used nor controlled unless it is paired with another long-term hyperthyroidism treatment option.

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Published May 17, 2023 by

Best Potassium Rich Foods | Guidelines for a High Potassium Diet

Potassium is an important mineral for human health. About 98% of the potassium in the body is used within cells, most of which is found in muscle cells and a small amount of it in bone cells, liver, and red blood cells. This is why you should focus on eating foods rich in potassium and including them in your diet. Get to know it now:

Foods rich in potassium

After learning about the benefits of potassium, it is important to know the list of foods rich in potassium, which you should focus on eating:

1. Potatoes

What is meant here is potatoes of all kinds, including sweet ones, as 100 grams of large roasted potatoes contain about 535 milligrams of potassium. It should be noted that potato peels also contain a high percentage of potassium, which means that eating them with their peels will provide you with high amounts of potassium.

On the other hand, 100 grams of sweet potatoes contain about 337 milligrams of potassium, in addition to being rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese.

2. Orange

Oranges are rich in potassium, in addition to vitamin C. This also applies to juice, but of course it is recommended to drink natural juice to avoid the sugars found in artificial ones, as one cup of natural orange juice provides about 496 milligrams of potassium. .

Drinking orange juice also has the following health benefits:

Enhancing the functioning of the immune system.

Filtering the body of toxins and waste.

Reducing the risk of cancer.

Reducing high blood pressure.

Protection against kidney stones.

3. Avocado

Avocados have many different health benefits. It is rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B, and folic acid, in addition to potassium, as 100 grams of avocado contains 500 milligrams of potassium.

Therefore, eating avocados will help you enjoy the following health benefits:

Helping with weight gain.

Promoting heart and arterial health.

Control high blood pressure.

Beneficial for skin and hair.

4. Coconut water

The use of coconut water has become widespread recently, and it has become famous as a healthy drink that is low in sugar and high in salts that are beneficial to the body. Drinking one cup of coconut water, or about 240 grams, provides you with approximately 600 milligrams of potassium.

5. Banana

It is known that bananas are very rich in potassium, as every 100 grams of ripe bananas contain 855 milligrams of potassium. This fruit also contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, and many antioxidant compounds, but you should be careful because it contains a high amount of sugar.

Other foods rich in potassium

The list of foods rich in potassium is long, and extends to many vegetables, as every 100 grams of them contain the following amounts of potassium:

White beans: White beans contain 324 milligrams of potassium.

White carrots: contains 356 milligrams of potassium.

Salmon: contains 358 milligrams of potassium.

Beets: Contains 305 milligrams of potassium.

Spinach: contains 466 milligrams of potassium.

Recommended daily amount of potassium

It is recommended to consume 4,500 milligrams of potassium per day for adults. It is best to obtain potassium by eating foods rich in natural potassium. Potassium supplements may also be used according to your doctor's recommendations.

The importance of potassium for the human body

Although potassium is important in the diet, its deficiency is common, which is precisely why it is important to focus on eating foods rich in potassium. The importance of potassium to the human body includes:

Reducing high blood pressure and promoting heart health.

Stroke protection.

Reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Preventing the risk of kidney stones.

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Published May 17, 2023 by

10 Top Healthy Foods High in Iron | How Much Iron Do You Need Per Day?

Anemia is one of the most common problems caused by iron deficiency. Iron deficiency also affects immunity and makes you more susceptible to diseases. Here we will mention foods rich in iron and the recommended daily amounts to avoid the development of these health conditions, but the question remains: Where is iron found in food? It is one of the most prominent questions that we will answer in the following article.

Iron-rich foods

Answer to the question: Where is iron found in food? Examples of foods rich in iron and their animal and plant sources include:

Liver and other meats

Liver is considered one of the best and richest foods rich in heme iron, as a slice of beef liver contains approximately 4.8 milligrams of iron per slice, in addition to being a rich source of many minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

However, since liver is a high source of vitamin A, pregnant women may be advised to pay attention to the amounts they consume, as high levels of vitamin A may be linked to birth defects and problems in fetuses.

Organic meat is very nutritious. Common types include liver, kidney, brain and heart, all of which contain iron. Organic meat is also high in protein and rich in B vitamins, copper and selenium.

Furthermore, organ meats are one of the best sources of choline, an important nutrient for brain and liver health, and many people don't get enough of it.

Red meat

If you're not a fan of liver, red meat is an alternative source, as 75 grams of red meat contains 2.4 milligrams of iron.


Egg yolks are a very popular animal source and one of the best examples of iron-rich foods. Eating two eggs helps you get 1.4 milligrams of iron, and therefore it may be an ideal choice for people who follow a non-strict vegetarian diet, and can eat some animal sources such as; egg.


Seafood is generally one of the most important examples of iron-rich and highly absorbable foods, but oysters are the richest source, followed by other shellfish, including squid, mussels and fin fish such as salmon and tuna, which are known to be a rich source of both zinc and vitamin B12. also.

Medium-sized oysters contain approximately 6.3 milligrams of iron. Therefore, it is one of the foods that contain iron.


Fish are very nutritious, and some types of foods are rich in iron, such as: Tuna fish in particular is rich in iron. In fact, an 85-gram serving of canned tuna contains about 1.4 milligrams of iron, which represents about 8% of your daily need for iron. Therefore, it is a food rich in iron.

Fish is also full of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of heart-healthy fat, linked to a number of health benefits. In particular, omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to promote brain health, enhance immune function, and support healthy growth and development.

Fish also contains many other essential nutrients, including niacin, selenium and vitamin B12. Besides tuna, mackerel and sardines, there are some other examples of iron-rich fish that you can also include in your diet.


Most of the legume group are foods rich in non-heme iron, and they are vegetarian, and incorporating them into our daily dishes helps add high nutritional value, and they are the ideal choice for vegetarians to ensure obtaining the correct and appropriate iron values.

Here are the most popular types of legumes and the iron they provide you:

Beans and fava beans: Three-quarters of a cup provides you with approximately 4 milligrams of iron.

Soybeans: Three-quarters of a cup contains approximately 6.5 milligrams of iron, in addition to being a high source of proteins, fiber, and many important vitamins and minerals such as; Copper and manganese.

Chickpeas: Three-quarters of a cup of chickpeas provides you with approximately 2.2 milligrams of iron, in addition to high doses of proteins. It is a smart choice and ideal for vegetarians, and is easy to add to many dishes.


It is a legume, but we mentioned it separately. Because it is considered an ideal substitute for meat and is considered one of the most prominent iron-rich foods, because it contains high amounts of iron, as three-quarters of a cup of cooked lentils provides you with about 4.9 milligrams of iron; Therefore, it is a food rich in iron, and it is also a high source of dietary fiber, which helps lower blood cholesterol levels and control sugar levels.


Leafy vegetables in general, and spinach in particular, are foods rich in iron. Half a cup of cooked spinach provides you with approximately 3.4 milligrams of iron, in addition to protein, fiber, calcium, and vitamin A.

It is usually recommended to add sources of vitamin C when eating leafy vegetables to increase the rate of iron absorption in the body.


Broccoli is an incredibly nutritious source of iron. One cup (156 grams) of cooked broccoli contains 1 milligram of iron, which represents 6% of the daily value for iron. Moreover, also go ahead and eat a serving of broccoli

Non-heme iron, which is derived from crops.

Because iron is usually not absorbed from its sources in the body better than from plant sources, it is therefore important to eat the best quantities of both types.

What amounts of iron does it have?

After identifying the important foods with iron, it is important to know that it is beneficial for women between the ages of 19 and 50 to receive 14.8 milligrams of iron per day, while men at this age need 8.7 milligrams, and pregnant women should reach 27 milligrams. of iron daily. .

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Published May 16, 2023 by

A Comprehensive Guide to Knee Replacement Surgery | Types, Causes, Procedure & More

Knee joint replacement

Knee joint replacement surgery aims to treat cartilage erosion in the knee joint, which often occurs as a result of chronic arthritis (Arthritis), and the operation depends on replacing the affected joint with another artificial joint.

Risks of performing the operation

Knee replacement surgery is associated with some risks, which are as follows:

Infection in the surgical incision.


Scars in the incision area.

Severe drop in blood pressure.

Damage to the nerves surrounding the joint.

Ligament or muscle damage.

Fat embolism.

Before knee replacement surgery

The patient is sent for tests that vary according to the patient's age and the diseases he suffers from, such as: comprehensive blood count examination, blood chemistry, blood clotting, urine examination, kidney and liver function, ECG examination, and chest x-ray.

The doctor sends the patient for an imaging examination of the knee using X-rays, computed tomography of the knee, and magnetic resonance imaging.

The surgeon must be consulted regarding the medications that must be stopped from taking in the days before the operation, and complete fasting must be done for 8 hours before the operation.

During the procedure

After anesthesia and complete sterilization of the area, an incision 8-12 cm long is made in the front part of the knee, and then the surgeon removes excess cartilage and bone tissue that puts pressure on the knee joint.

The artificial joint is then attached to the femur and tibia using a suitable adhesive. The artificial joint is then attached to the knee muscles and ligaments supporting the joint to obtain movement performance in the joint similar to the natural position.

After the operation

The patient remains in the hospital for several days after the operation to ensure that his condition stabilizes, and pain relievers can be used as needed.

You must immediately go to the doctor in cases where some symptoms appear, such as: severe pain, loss of sensation, headache, high body temperature, and bleeding from the wound.

The pain disappears completely after several weeks of the operation, and the patient is advised to walk on the foot gradually while avoiding bending the knee joint.

Reasons for knee joint replacement

Osteitis, which is the main reason for knee joint replacement.

Rheumatoid arthritis.

Thinning of cartilage.

Bone dysplasia.


He suffers from a knee injury.

Deformity of the knee joint.

Death of bone tissue in the joint due to lack of blood flow.

Persistent pain and limited movement, and physical therapy and steroid injections fail to improve the condition.

Complications of knee joint replacement

Inflammation of the wound, and the inflammation reaching the internal tissues and bones.

Bleeding in the knee joint.

Injury to a ligament, artery, or nerve during surgery.

Suffering from a stroke in one of the legs.

Bone fracture around the artificial joint.

Growth of bone tissue around the artificial joint and its effect on its movement.

Numbness at the wound site.

Incorrect position of the patella.

Suffering from allergies due to the materials used in manufacturing the replacement joint.

How to remove a knee joint

Knee resection is performed under general anesthesia. An incision is made across the knee, removing the damaged part of the joint and replacing it with an artificial joint. The wound is then closed with surgical stitches.

Types of knee joint resection operations:

Complete resection of the knee joint: It is the most common, and the surfaces that connect the femur and shin bone to the joint are removed.

Partial knee resection: This surgery requires a smaller incision, and can only be performed after ensuring the integrity of the knee ligaments.

Patellar replacement: The lower surface of the kneecap is removed, and doctors do not recommend performing it because the success rates for complete removal are higher.

Complex (compound) knee joint replacement: This procedure is used in cases where the knee joint has previously been replaced.

The procedure takes two hours, and the artificial joint can last for twenty years.

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Published May 16, 2023 by

The Ultimate Guide to a Fatty Liver Diet | A Step-by-Step Plan for Improved Liver Health

When talking about treating the accumulation of fat on the liver, it is necessary to address the importance of making lifestyle changes for the affected person, the most important of which is trying to get rid of excess body weight and adhering to a healthy diet. Rich in nutrients.

Learn about a group of foods that reduce liver fat through the following article:

Foods that reduce liver fat

The best choices for foods that reduce liver fat are foods rich in protein, dietary fiber, whole grains, and healthy fats. In other words, it is recommended to follow the Mediterranean diet that includes the previous options.

Here is a group of foods that provide many health benefits for patients with fatty liver disease, including the following:

1. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

A group of studies have proven the importance of omega-3 fatty acids for people with fatty liver, due to their ability to improve their high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level.

Varieties rich in omega-3 fatty acids include:

Oily fish, such as salmon and sardines.

Flax seeds and their oil.


Leafy vegetables.

2. Broccoli

Vegetables are considered one of the foods that reduce liver fat because they are rich in dietary fiber, and we mention here in particular broccoli. One study showed the long-term benefits of eating broccoli in preventing the accumulation of fat on the liver.

In addition, broccoli is a vegetable rich in potassium, an important element whose deficiency is linked to an increased risk of fatty liver disease.

3. Walnut

As we mentioned previously, nuts in general are foods that reduce liver fat, but one study reported that eating walnuts is associated with a lower incidence of fatty liver disease, so we advise you to add them as a healthy snack during the day.

4. Garlic

Garlic is used in many dishes that are eaten daily, and we advise patients with fatty liver to eat more of it, according to the recommendations of one study that indicated the ability of garlic extracts to reduce body weight and reduce the percentage of body fat in patients with fatty liver. fatty liver.

5. Whey

Whey contains many proteins that help reduce the percentage of fat accumulated in the liver. A study conducted on a group of obese women showed a decrease in the percentage of fat in the liver after consuming whey for 4 weeks.

Another study also showed the effectiveness of whey in improving liver enzymes and reducing the percentage of fat accumulated in it, in addition to its ability to reduce oxidative stress in liver cells in mice with fatty liver.

Drinks that reduce liver fat

After learning about the foods that reduce liver fat, we mention here a group of drinks that help with this as well:

1. Green tea

Green tea can be considered one of the best drinks rich in antioxidants that greatly help in alleviating the symptoms associated with fatty liver.

According to the results of one study, green tea extracts may help control the rise in liver enzymes resulting from the accumulation of fat in the liver when consumed for 12 weeks.

2. Coffee

In one study conducted on rats, it was found that the effect of drinking coffee reduces the percentage of fat accumulated in the liver in addition to improving metabolic processes in the body.

Similar to the results of another study, it was found that increasing coffee intake in patients with fatty liver significantly reduces the risk of the disease developing into advanced cirrhosis.

Tips to control the accumulation of fat on the liver

In addition to eating foods that reduce liver fat, here are a set of tips related to lifestyle changes to control the accumulation of fat on the liver:

Try to get rid of excess weight if you suffer from obesity by following a healthy, balanced diet to reduce the calories you eat daily.

Increasing physical activity and exercising regularly helps burn fat and thus get rid of its accumulation in the liver and lose weight.

Control your blood sugar levels and try to regulate them if you are a diabetic, and try to monitor it continuously.

Trying to control triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Stay away from drinking alcohol.

Follow all instructions for taking medications purchased without a prescription.

Make sure to consult a specialist doctor before taking herbal supplements.

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Published May 16, 2023 by

Low Sodium Diet & Lifestyle | Top Low Sodium Foods

What is the goal of a low-sodium diet?

A low-sodium diet is a diet characterized by low salt or sodium content, in which the intake of foods containing sodium is very limited or may be avoided completely, in order to keep salt or sodium intake within the recommended level. .

Sodium is an essential mineral involved in many important body functions, including cellular function, regulating fluids in the body, and maintaining electrolyte balance, in addition to its significant effect on blood pressure. Therefore, consuming too much sodium may raise blood pressure or cause fluid retention, which may lead to swelling in the legs and feet or other health problems.

Health care providers recommend a low-sodium diet for many people with certain medical problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or other medical causes. The goal is to follow a low-sodium diet and limit the amount of sodium or salt consumed in meals to between 2000-3000 mg per day.

What does a low-sodium diet include?

Recommendations for the amount of sodium consumed daily in a low-sodium diet range between 2000-3000 mg, and this varies depending on the individual’s health condition.

Here are some examples of recommended sodium amounts for some different groups:

Healthy adults and teens ages 14 and older need to limit their sodium intake to about 2,300 mg per day, which is the equivalent of one teaspoon of salt.

People with high blood pressure or people with normal blood pressure need to limit sodium to about 1,500 mg per day.

Children under 14 generally need between 1,500 and 2,200 mg of sodium per day.

A low-sodium diet is more than just reducing your use of table salt; So, more than 70% of the sodium people eat comes from packaged foods and fast food, as salt is added during the processing of these food products to enhance flavour. In addition, many food preparation ingredients, such as seasonings, contain high levels of salt.

This may make it difficult to control sodium intake, because it is added to an individual's food even before it is prepared or purchased. Therefore, it is important to read the nutritional labels of different products, as it is best to choose products that contain 5% sodium or less, or choose foods that say “low sodium” or “no added salt.” But it should be noted that some products can be low in sodium. Sodium does not carry such semantic phrases.

What foods are recommended in the diet?

When following a low-sodium diet, it is important to choose foods that are naturally low in sodium or choose products that contain limited amounts of added salt. It must be noted that there are different products for the same type of food that may differ in the percentage of sodium they contain, so it is always recommended to read the nutritional label, or what is known as the nutritional label of the product.

Here are some examples of foods to choose over other foods when following a low-sodium diet:

Fresh, frozen or canned vegetables, but taking into account the choice of canned or frozen products using a low-sodium solution, and this can be known by reading the product’s nutritional label.

Fresh, frozen, or dried fruits, such as: berries, apples, bananas, and pears.

Grains, such as dried beans, brown rice, quinoa, and whole-wheat pasta.

Starchy vegetables, such as: potatoes, sweet potatoes, and walnuts.

Fresh or frozen poultry, such as skinless chicken or turkey, and lean meat.

Fresh or frozen fish, such as: cod and tuna.


Healthy fats, such as: olive oil, avocado, or avocado oil.

Low-sodium soups, such as canned or homemade low-sodium soups.

Dairy products, such as: milk, yogurt, unsalted butter, and low-sodium cheeses.

Breads and baked goods, such as whole wheat bread, low-sodium tortilla chips, and unsalted potato chips.

Unsalted nuts and seeds, such as: pumpkin seeds, almonds, peanuts, or any type of unsalted or low-salt nuts.

Low-sodium seasonings, such as garlic powder or a spice blend without added salt, or you can use fresh, unprocessed herbs, onions or garlic. You can also use orange, lemon, pineapple juice, or vinegar instead of salt when preparing some dishes to add a piquant flavor.

Low-sodium drinks, such as tea, coffee and water.

What foods should be avoided on a low-sodium diet?

A low-sodium diet is a diet that focuses on reducing the intake of a particular element, which is sodium or salt. Therefore, the foods that should be avoided in such diets are not limited to one type of food or another, but rather the focus is on avoiding any highly salty food product. As mentioned earlier, there are different products for the same type of food, and some may be better than others in terms of the amount of sodium they contain.

The best way to avoid foods that are high in sodium is to eliminate salty snack foods.

Compared to the amount of nitrogen added to manufacturing or processing.

Here are some of the most common examples of foods marked with a high plate or high sodium content that viruses avoid:

Pickled vegetables, such as pickled pickles and sauerkraut.

Fast food, such as: burgers, fries, chicken fingers, and pizza.

Laser pressing machine, such as: salted printing, salted nuts.

Kitchen recipes, such as: meat dishes and pizza.

Processed meats, such as: sausages and bacon.

Products canned with high salt solutions.

Good gold products.

Sauces and seasonings, such as: broth or chicken ears, soy sauce, and walnut sauce.

What are the types of carbon dioxide diet?

Benefits of vitamin elements, vitamin deficiency, health methods. Below we mention some of the harms of following a sodium diet:

Lowering blood pressure

Adding carbon dioxide may help reduce blood pressure, as switching to a low-nitrogen diet can lead to significant but significant changes in blood pressure, especially in people with high blood pressure.

Honeymoon discount

No Nitrogen Light Nitrogen may have an effect resulting from its famous reputation, because food electronics with high salt content can damage the polluted layer of the stomach and increase the multiplication and growth of H.Pylori bacteria, which may increase the risk of infection monthly. .

Improving diet quality

The group of unhealthy foods are foods with high sodium content, so they follow a diet that contains sodium and such unhealthy foods, the individual's diet is generally more quality overall.

Of all the categories most used diet element sodium?

Low-sodium diets are commonly prescribed to people with heart disease, high blood pressure, or other medical conditions, to relieve constipation, and most of the diets found in participants' diets are healthy oxide diets.

Below we explain the most common diseases that disinfectants with a low-carbon diet contain:


They are designed, such as: a specific pattern or any type thereof, which can be naturally identified.

They usually contain a small percentage of the oxygen element, and that is when the kidney is unable to do what comes from a natural element, and it will become a result of zinc oxide as needed and removing it from the body is not as effective as it should be, and the result of this is high levels of calcium in the body. There is no level of flow, hence high blood pressure, which will only cause more damage to the kidneys.

To this end, the National Kidney Foundation seeks to diagnose all people with a potassium intake of less than 2 grams per day (2,000 mg).

high pressure

High blood pressure is a risk factor for other diseases, such as heart disease and stroke. Therefore, it is important to avoid anything that leads to high blood pressure, including consuming a large amount of oxygen, and the variety indicates high blood pressure for oxygen intake, as some groups such as African Americans may be more affected by diets that contain a high percentage of Of salt.

But regardless of whether one group of people may be more affected by high-oxygen diets, the potassium dioxide diet is usually prescribed as a natural treatment for all people with high blood pressure.

Heart disease

Well, it is usually preferable to choose a low protein item for people suffering from heart diseases, because when the heart is compromised, the functions represent its effectiveness, which leads to increased protein levels in the body thus increasing the accumulation and causing complications such as shortness of breath.

It must be followed before you start following the diet, and this diet may not suit all people due to their different preferences.

What is the carbon dioxide diet?

The major health organization, focusing on caring for emerging diseases, requires that non-specialists not consume more than 2,300 mg per day, and they are the groups that consume the most daily fuel, such as indigenous workers of African descent, and their consumption of sodium may not exceed 1,500.

A light nitrogen diet usually releases blood pressure in adults, especially people with high blood pressure levels. Thus it can reach the oxygen consumption that determines the risk of paralysis. But there is conflicting evidence on the consequences of low oxygen in relation to other medical conditions, such as carbon dioxide in heart failure patients; Because a major consumption of salt or nitrogen in such a situation can have a negative impact on heart health.

In addition, a combination of following a strict diet and hyponatremia (in English: hyponatremia) has occurred.

So, in summary, avoiding foods high in sodium, such as fast food or other foods, is a healthy option, but it is not necessary for healthy people to completely reduce the consumption of nutrients, especially when healthy people follow a system of promoting balance with foods rich in whole foods.

For more: Nutrition for heart failure

How much effort does it take to follow a low-sodium diet?

Following a low-oxygen diet is average, but for some people it may be a special person when starting to follow this diet, as the individual initially needs to get used to a dual taste, in addition to the time he may need for food products and not others.

Cost of meals

Any low-protein diet is low-cost, as there are no requirements for specific servings of food or a specific number of items. On the contrary, the individual may need to delete certain types of foods from his diet because they contain a high percentage of oxygen, and this in general indicates adherence to a cautious low-oxygen diet.

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