Published May 16, 2023 by

The Ultimate Guide to a Fatty Liver Diet | A Step-by-Step Plan for Improved Liver Health

When talking about treating the accumulation of fat on the liver, it is necessary to address the importance of making lifestyle changes for the affected person, the most important of which is trying to get rid of excess body weight and adhering to a healthy diet. Rich in nutrients.

Learn about a group of foods that reduce liver fat through the following article:

Foods that reduce liver fat

The best choices for foods that reduce liver fat are foods rich in protein, dietary fiber, whole grains, and healthy fats. In other words, it is recommended to follow the Mediterranean diet that includes the previous options.

Here is a group of foods that provide many health benefits for patients with fatty liver disease, including the following:

1. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids

A group of studies have proven the importance of omega-3 fatty acids for people with fatty liver, due to their ability to improve their high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level.

Varieties rich in omega-3 fatty acids include:

Oily fish, such as salmon and sardines.

Flax seeds and their oil.


Leafy vegetables.

2. Broccoli

Vegetables are considered one of the foods that reduce liver fat because they are rich in dietary fiber, and we mention here in particular broccoli. One study showed the long-term benefits of eating broccoli in preventing the accumulation of fat on the liver.

In addition, broccoli is a vegetable rich in potassium, an important element whose deficiency is linked to an increased risk of fatty liver disease.

3. Walnut

As we mentioned previously, nuts in general are foods that reduce liver fat, but one study reported that eating walnuts is associated with a lower incidence of fatty liver disease, so we advise you to add them as a healthy snack during the day.

4. Garlic

Garlic is used in many dishes that are eaten daily, and we advise patients with fatty liver to eat more of it, according to the recommendations of one study that indicated the ability of garlic extracts to reduce body weight and reduce the percentage of body fat in patients with fatty liver. fatty liver.

5. Whey

Whey contains many proteins that help reduce the percentage of fat accumulated in the liver. A study conducted on a group of obese women showed a decrease in the percentage of fat in the liver after consuming whey for 4 weeks.

Another study also showed the effectiveness of whey in improving liver enzymes and reducing the percentage of fat accumulated in it, in addition to its ability to reduce oxidative stress in liver cells in mice with fatty liver.

Drinks that reduce liver fat

After learning about the foods that reduce liver fat, we mention here a group of drinks that help with this as well:

1. Green tea

Green tea can be considered one of the best drinks rich in antioxidants that greatly help in alleviating the symptoms associated with fatty liver.

According to the results of one study, green tea extracts may help control the rise in liver enzymes resulting from the accumulation of fat in the liver when consumed for 12 weeks.

2. Coffee

In one study conducted on rats, it was found that the effect of drinking coffee reduces the percentage of fat accumulated in the liver in addition to improving metabolic processes in the body.

Similar to the results of another study, it was found that increasing coffee intake in patients with fatty liver significantly reduces the risk of the disease developing into advanced cirrhosis.

Tips to control the accumulation of fat on the liver

In addition to eating foods that reduce liver fat, here are a set of tips related to lifestyle changes to control the accumulation of fat on the liver:

Try to get rid of excess weight if you suffer from obesity by following a healthy, balanced diet to reduce the calories you eat daily.

Increasing physical activity and exercising regularly helps burn fat and thus get rid of its accumulation in the liver and lose weight.

Control your blood sugar levels and try to regulate them if you are a diabetic, and try to monitor it continuously.

Trying to control triglyceride and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Stay away from drinking alcohol.

Follow all instructions for taking medications purchased without a prescription.

Make sure to consult a specialist doctor before taking herbal supplements.